Welcome to College Admission Info! Our website is devoted entirely to the college application process and to giving you the information you need to help you gain admission into your top-choice colleges. Please bookmark our site and tell others about us!
For yet another year applications are up at colleges and universities nationwide, creating a level of uncertainty for both admissions officers and applicants. With more children of baby boomers graduating high school, choosing to go on to two or four-year college, and online services making it easier for students to apply to more schools, it is becoming more and more difficult to break into the nation’s top colleges.

Admission Form

Course of Study Applied for:

Fees Information:

You must give details of who be paying your fees.


Please give details of all Schools/Colleges/Universities attended.

Secondary/Further/Higher Education

Name of secondary School/College/University


Dates Attended From(mm/yy)To(mm/yy)

Statement In Support Of Application:

This section must be completed.You should state why you want to undertake this course,any relevant experience,skills and attributes,and your long terms goals.


All aplicants must provide one reference.The referee should be a course tutor if you have been in education within the last two years or your current or most recent employer.

Agent Referral

To be completed if applying with the assistance of an overseas recruitment agent

I confirm that I give the following ZCBC Recruitment Partner authorisation to discuss my application with staff at ZCBC College,and receive correspondence from ZCBC College on my behalf.


I certify that, to the best of my belief, the information I have provided is complete and true.